Caskade Big L 5ltr


Lemon Scented Cleaner Sanitiser

BIG L is a liquid detergent with sanitising and reodorising properties. It has excellent cleaning efficency combined with a powerful biocide, which makes it ideal for cleaning soiled areas where odours caused by microorgnaisms are encountered. It leaves behind a long lasting, pleasant lemon fragrance.

MPI Approved C32

Code Image Product Name Price Stock Quantity
Caskade Big L 5ltr
Caskade Big L 5ltr
$54.70 inc GST

Stock Locations

  • Northland:
    In Stock
  • Auckland:
    2-3 Days into store
  • Levin:
    2-3 Days into store
  • Rotorua:
    2-3 Days into store
  • Christchurch:
    2-3 Days into store

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