Uni-Foil Rectangle Medium Takeaway with Lid - x 125

Stock Code:
$119.53 inc GST


Uni-Foil Rectangle Medium Takeaway with Lid
Item Code: 1200-207

Uses: Convenience meals, takeaway meals, bakery products. Material: Recycled and/or new grade aluminium foil. Temp Range: Can be frozen and re-heated in oven. Not able to be microwaved. Shape Retention: Average. Grease & oil resistance: Ideal resistance to fats, oils and sugars. Heat & moisture loss: minimal. Safety: Ideal long shelf product, surface precludes oxidation. Fully resistant to all chemicals. Lidding Options: Cardboard lids are available with foil backing on some sizes. Environmental: Made from recycled foil and is able to be re-recycled at any collection depot in NZ.

(mm unless shown different)
229L x 169W x 50H

[Order 4 sleeves to receive 1 carton]

Stock Locations

  • Northland:
    In Stock
  • Auckland:
    2-3 Days into store
  • Levin:
    2-3 Days into store
  • Rotorua:
    2-3 Days into store
  • Christchurch:
    2-3 Days into store
  • Dunedin:
    2-3 Days into store
  • Tauranga Hygiene Direct:
    2-3 Days into store
  • Whangarei Hygiene Direct:
    2-3 Days into store

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